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We are a family of 4: Jeffrey ('87), Marianne ('88), Maura ('15) and Juda ('18). We sold our house and live in a motorhome, seeking and sharing the Kingdom of God!

For years we had on our hearts to buy a little farm, at least something with more land than we lived on. We would love to have a little food forest, where we partly could live from. We searched in different countries but didn't felt a "yes!".

Around that time we attended a church without denomination, together we just love Jesus and want to serve Him and the people around us. There in that church we got a revelation that the Holy Spirit is still alive, in fact, we need the Holy Spirit to guide us in this life. This was absolutely the missing part we always felt. A church without the living Holy Spirit is basically dead. We attended a lot of churches and it is mostly going about what we human beings think or feel. There are some rules in churches and in a believe system we didn't understood. Now we see why: we lived in flesh, we were not born again. By being born again, you repent for yourself from your sins (!), lay down your life in the watergrave (baptizing under water) and you rise again with Christ. From that moment on, you live in Christ and Christ lives in you. The Holy Spirit will fill you and that was the changing point in our lives. Actually, we both were baptized in the Holy Spirit by laying on hands before our baptism in water. After we received the Holy Spirit, we were convinced that we really needed a baptism in water because the child baptism we had, is not a baptism you will find in your Bible. You always need to repent for yourself. Yes, in the Bible we see some complete family's get baptized, that was on their own faith and they spoke in tongues after. No baby is able to speak about their own faith, or speak in tongues and it is impossible for them to repent, so we believe there were no babies baptized. Do you want to know more about repentance and baptizing in water and the Holy Spirit? Check our "we love Jesus" page.

From that moment we hear the Holy Spirit speaking. He told Marianne to sell our house to a friend. She didn't talk about this with Jeffrey. Two weeks later Jeffrey came home and told Marianne he strongly felt that we needed to sell our house to the same friend Marianne got from the Holy Spirit. We prayed with our kids in the living room because we were a little bit "desperate". Selling a house means in our case that we will not be able to buy another house in the crazy house marked. So we prayed "Lord if this is your will, just let us know right now". We just received a YES. Even it was scary, our adventure was starting.

We had actually no idea where to go. We went to a camping for a holiday break and saw a motorhome. Maybe this is something we need to buy? Where do we go then? We prayed about this and the Lord really put on our hearts to buy a motorhome. We saw some, they were not "perfect" and then we saw a great family XL globetrotter we actually needed. We called the owner and he told us it was sold already. Marianne was crying out to the Lord "this was our motorhome!", she felt this so strong. A day later the owner called; we could buy his motorhome, something came in between with the previous buyer. You see in this the work of the Lord, right!

The next testimony is that we had no money to pay this motorhome yet. All our money was in stones; our previous house. So we asked the owner of the motorhome to keep the motorhome for us and if we could pay it 5 (!) months later. Praise the Lord that He is using even people who don't know Him. He also agreed with a professional examination of the motorhome and there were little things to fix. He fixed everything without charging extra. We are so blessed, and the Lord provides always in everything. That is a promise, for all of us. You can read at the blog page how the adventure goes on!