Christmas in Alicante

For a few weeks we are in Spain now. Marianne did feel resistance to go into Spain, and now we know why. The ground is hard and the spiritual fight is big. We serve a Lord who’s Name is above ALL names, so we made the choice to stand firm in His promise. He protects, He guides, He gives everything we need. We ask for His angels around us and command every demonic spirit to go in Jesus mighty name.

We are thankful for this opportunity to be here. We are at a place where we have no rush to leave, we are so welcome and this is a time of rest. Travelling is sometimes exhausting. Months ago Marianne asked the Lord to provide a place for us around Christmas, so that we are able to rest / have holiday and where we will not be “alone”. Of course, we are never alone. But we do miss family and good friends. And when we are hopping from camper place to another, we are missing good talks with disciples of Jesus. Marianne put her wish in the hands of the Lord and He provided a place where we could stay and He even provided company. A dear brother in Christ who is very close to our hearts was able to come over and spend the Christmas days with us. God is so good.

In these times we are thinking about Christmas. There are a lot of traditions like nice food, christmas tree, presents, alcohol parties, going to church and more. But what says the Bible about Christmas? When was Jesus actually born? The last one we don’t know, it is not written. It is good for us to celebrate the birth of our Savior and King, but how do we honor His birth? We do not know the answers yet, but we felt that it was good to celebrate without the traditions we know. Christmas is not in a tree, presents, and so on. There is even a theory that all these things we put around the meaning of Christmas is even pagan. And we just want to be in the light. We will ask the Lord for more knowledge and how we should celebrate Christmas and when. It is interesting though, that the Lord commands us to remember His dead and resurrection, but you can read nowhere that we must celebrate the birth of Jesus. So, not to offend someone, this is just our process. We want to do the will of God, in every way. Even when it means we should change things we are grown up with or we think to know so well.

This Christmas was a big blessing. We were able to worship the Lord in the Good Shepperd building in El Campello, we went to the beach and we had lovely conversations. Jeffrey was able to pray for people, one of them got healed immediately. Praise the Lord! He could share about Jesus, it is always great to do that.

We are praying about the next step. Where should we go? Thank you in advance for praying together with us!

With love,

The Draaijer family

One response

  1. Thank you for the testimony, you are not alone in the process. Our Creator also shows us things that we have always done, but where the Bible says otherwise.
    Let’s continue to be obedient to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit as He shows us what to do and what not to do. Feel pressed, connected in the Lord.

    Greetings Victor

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