Where do we go?

We moved out of our house the end of February 2022. From that moment on we lived in our motorhome. We stayed one month in the Netherlands to get used to the little surface and to make it really our home. Think of hanging nice curtains, decorating our little home, rearranging and so on.

After this we started to travel to Denmark. The Lord put this country in our hearts to visit and we found a lovely family where we could stay through the map of the last reformation. We had never been in Denmark. The first impression was: cold, a lot of wind and more rain then the Netherlands 😉 . When we crossed the border we stayed a couple of days at a motorhome park at Skærbæk. It was an excellent park actually, but big. The weather was só bad that I (Marianne) decide to take our little car to move myself to the toilet and shower building. I needed of course a very long warm shower but didn’t want to walk in the wind and rain anymore… So to show you how bad it was, I took the car and came back warm and dry.

The whole week there was so much wind, that it was not sure that we could pass the “big belt bridge”. We needed to pass this bridge to come at “Sealand” (Sjælland), the island where the family lives where we could stay. The day we left we watched the weather forecast for the area where the bridge is, it looked impossible to go over the bridge that day with a big motorhome and trailer. In that case we had to wait before the bridge untill it was safe to pass. We prayed and we asked the family where we were welcome to pray and exactly when we arrived at the bridge the sun was shining, the wind laid down and it was safe to pass the bridge. A miracle when you saw the weather that week and even that day. We saw on the website it was actually possible for one hour to go on the bridge, after that there was much more wind again.

This is a testimony we want to share with you, to let you know that the Lord always provides. He is seeing your needs. In the next blog you will discover where we stayed for 2 months…

With love,

Draaijer family

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